Healthy Times

Eat Healthy & Better for Less


It seems that many people are opting for budget-friendly meals with ingredients bought from the grocery store and made at home, rather than eating out. For some, eating healthy while on a budget is a lifestyle change that can take some getting used to. It's okay to ask for help with meal planning, especially if you've been seeing your grocery bill rise or the nutritional value of your meals going down. There are lots of ways to eat healthier and better for less.

Ask the Chef
Right now on My Blue CommunitySM, our free online health and wellness social network for healthy-minded people like you, visitors can Ask the Chef for advice on money-saving nutritional ideas. Here's a question that a member asked Chef Tse recently on Ask the Chef:

Q: "I'm looking for healthier eating ideas that cost less. Healthy foods, like fruits and veggies seem so expensive. What are my options?"

A: "Eating fruits and vegetables is essential to our daily lives. While I realize buying fresh produce can be expensive, I have a couple suggestions for you.

One, buy fruits and vegetables that are in season and local. When peaches are in season, there's a lot of them in the market which means the price goes down. And the more local your fruits and vegetables, the less they have to travel—that means the seller is not adding transportation costs into the price of your produce. Make sure you check out your local farmer's market, too. I find produce there that is less expensive than buying it in the store in many cases.

Two, processed foods don't cost very much. But think about what you're getting in that box—a lot of empty calories and food fillers. If instead you eat real fruits and vegetables, you feel fuller faster, you don't need as much of them to be satisfied, and if you're eating things in season, they taste ten times better than anything you can find in the box. Happy and healthy cooking!"

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