2014 Plan Changes

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance and streamline our product portfolio and address the next wave of changes resulting from national health care reform and state requirements, beginning January 1, 2014, we will be making several benefit changes to our medical and dental plan designs. These changes will have unique impacts on our accounts, brokers, and members.

The Product Portfolio and Benefit Design brochures below will explain more about how these changes will affect you.

2014 Plan Brochures 2014 Plan Benefit Charts
PDF Small Group & 51–99 PDF Small Group HMO NE
PDF Large Group 100+ PDF Small Group PPO
PDF Minimum Creditable Coverage PDF 51-99 HMO NE
PDF Dental Small Group 1-50 PDF 51-99 PPO
  PDF 100+

Our Newly Enhanced Plan Comparison Tool
The plan comparison tool now has the ability to download, view and compare side by side plans pre and post health care reform with the click of a button.

Questions? Feel free to ask your Broker or Account Executive.