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Find care and save money with one simple tool. Our Find a Doctor & Estimate Costs tool makes it easy for you to find what you need. Search for doctors, dentists, and hospitals, and get cost estimates for over 1,600 procedures. Plus, the ability to read and write reviews, and compare up to ten doctors at a time puts more control in your hands.

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Finding Health Care Providers Outside of Massachusetts

Provider Searches by Plan
If your plan includes benefit levels or tiers, our specialized provider searches can help you use your network more easily.

Blue Options
Hospital Choice Cost Sharing

Limited Services Clinics (LSCs)
You can get certain types of care without an appointment at participating limited services clinics. Usually located in certain pharmacies in the state, these clinics can provide you with flu shots and treatments for colds and ear infections. The clinics also offer evening and weekend hours. Learn more about limited services clinics.