Manage Your Costs


Use the tools below to see your costs for certain hospitals , plans, or treatments:

Coverage AdvisorSM' Provided by WebMD
Use this tool to compare Out-of-Pocket , copayments , deductibles , or fees paid members for health services or prescriptions.

Find a Doctor & Estimate Costs with one simple tool
Our Find a Doctor & Estimate Costs tool makes it easy for you to find what you need. Search for doctors, dentists, and hospitals, and get cost estimates for over 1,600 procedures. Plus, the ability to read and write reviews, and compare up to ten doctors at a time puts more control in your hands.

If you prefer a written estimate, log in to Member Central and click on the "My Account" tab. Next, click "Request a Written Estimate."

Before you submit your request for a written estimate, Download this checklist to make sure you have all the information you need.